Arts Installations


Blacksmithing is a traditional skill. An essential art for sensible things like tool making, fences, … gates.



boat building Events

Nith Challenge

We have been experimenting with boat building and watercraft for a good few years now. Perhaps it is time to attempt the “Nith Descent” challenge?

The challenge is following the river Nith from Auldgirth to Dumfries rowing club. It is a grade 1 or 2 run depending on the water level.

Anyone interested?

This is a pre-enactment project. Trad skills meeting modern materials, and scavenging …


Making Space

Making Space   will return in September.

There will be two sessions a week.

Thursday evening 19.00 to 21.00
Monday afternoons from 14.00 to 17.00
As usual this is a club not a led workshop. Please bring your own materials and projects, or try something new with the donated materials and tools we have accumulated.

That said, some evenings will have a theme where regulars are willing to share their skills rather than simply use the time for their own projects.

We ask for £5 a time to cover overheads, or you can contribute in kind.  

Monday 2 till 5Thursday 19.00 to 21.00
9th  Rube Goldberg Machines
5th Coracles and Smithing  
12th  Rube Goldberg Machines
19th Leatherworking  tbc

If you’d like to support what’s going on in a more regular pattern then you could become a Cluaran member.

boat building Rowing

Nith Animals

Cluaran will be rowed up the river Nith by representatives from the union of river animals. (Find out more about the artist behind this on this post).

We will be practicing in the evenings on on Thursday the 15th and 22nd. Assemble at Wordsmithcrafts Workshop at 6pm.

Sign up to join the crew here:

Want to become a river animal yourself?

Then sign up here to be put in touch with the Dumfries Coastal Rowing Club which is coming into existence. We will be building a Nith Skiff. You could also get in touch directly by e-mailing
Sign up using Google Forms

Arts Installations Events Rowing

Nithraid 2024

We will be rowing as part of the Nithraid River Festival in 2024, but not as part of the race. We will be travelling in time and mind …

Cluaran has always used the phrase “The sea connects” and has enjoyed an eclectic selection of events. We challenge peoples assumption that water is a barrier by building boats. We build boats from scrap and gathered natural materials to demonstrate how simple it can be to get on the water. We use imagination and performance to immerse people in experiences of other times, and tell stories where mythological truths can be contemplated.

At the 2023 Nithraid we collected a crew of time travellers. They brought stories from the past, present, and future to help people think about their relationship to the river. Follow the link to read about Ola who travelled back in time to warn about a possible future

What will 2024 look like ???

In 2024 we are transporting visiting artist Graham Bell Tornado. We are looking forward to finding out what this will involve. If you are curious, why not take a look at their list of Queer Ecology projects?

We are getting cluaran ready and practicing rowing on Thursday evenings leading up to the event. If you are interested in joining, please sign up here:

As well as our regulars, our crew will have an international flavour as we are joined by Cille Anglevik an artist from Norway. (I can assure you she is not a cat)

boat building News

2nd Nith Skiff meeting

After a successful first meeting those who gathered have decided that it is time Dumfries had it’s own St Ayles Skiff.

The plan is to build the craft in the town centre, where people can see what is going on.

We will be doing it as a community build. This means the project will involve things like using the build as a focus to give people hands on experience using tools. We will also arrange activities and events to involve people who might be interested in rowing and boats in general – and those who have never really thought about it.

We are aiming to get the boat on the water for the Skiffieworlds event in Stranraer July 2025

We have been offered support from Annan and are building a network of builders, rowers and interested supporters. We all went away with tasks to manage and WhatsApp group set up if you would like to keep in touch that way.

The Second meeting will be on the 6th of August, Tuesday evening, in the Dougie arms from 18.30

We will be discussing things like:

  • A place to build it in
  • The overall costs
  • Training and technical advice
  • Communication and keeping people informed
  • Community events

Sign up here!


Dumfries Coastal Rowing


Everyone is invited to the inaugural meeting of the Dumfries Coastal Rowing club!

  • Where: The Dougie, Friars Vennel Dumfries
  • When: 6pm Tuesday the 23rd on June (2024)
  • Why? We are starting a coastal rowing project in the town and want you ideas, interest and involvement!

Here is a quick reminder of when Cluaran got in the water in 2023 at the Nithraid festival for a spot of cattle rustling. The river was also full of Ayles Skiffs.

This is not a Wordsmith Crafts project, but anyone who is familiar with the history of Cluaran will understand why we want to support it and help make it happen!

Some background info which might be useful –

This is the website for more information about coastal rowing clubs. There is a gap waiting to be filled in Dumfries!

The Sea Connects Events

Ever wanted to find out what happened after the book finished? Or do you get so immersed in reading that you ‘see’ the events you have read about ‘written’ in the landscape?

You are not alone!

Throughout the summer groups around the world bring history to life through reenactment of events and recreation of clothing and equipment based on archaeological finds. They are also people who create environments where you can immerse yourself in fantasy worlds, play games,  and walk around inside a story.

Wordsmithcrafts projects anchor themselves in research, and steer away from the excesses of wild fantasy. This is out of respect for the power of imagination, rather than suspicion or fear of it though!

Would you like to get involved? Here are some of the activities this summer that by next summer you could be participating in…

Whithorn- Viking Weekend

Watch Galloway Longfhada doing their thing in Whithorn

Avaldsnes Viking Festival

Medieval Bruce in Dumfries


Sorry for the short notice, but events have converged to offer rowing on the Nith on Thursday evening, the 27th of June.

Meet at the wordsmithcrafts workshop (3 James Avenue) at 7pm

Or 7.30 at the slip by the Loreburn centre/White sands (please let us know you will meet us there).

Assume you will get wet. Bring your own lifejacket/flotation device if you have one.

There will be more opportunities later in July.


Summer 2024/924

The show season has well and truly started. School visiting overlaps with weekend events, so it is a busy time of year!

The essential Viking era Cathbad?

Cathbad and Wulfgar have just returned from a market in Norway. These markets are international melting pots of ideas, interpretations, and places to learn skills. This market is held annually near Avaldsnes, on the island of Bukkøy.

Three swords set in stone to remember the acheivement of Harald Fairhair.

Soon they will be travelling to the south  and a ‘Thing’ gathering on the Isle of Man.

They also took the opportunity to visit a bronze age gathering place for ships.

A small glimpse