News schools


Two successful school visits

After the school visiting there is the unpacking, sorting, checking and repairs! It was great to be asked back to two schools from last year though.

Both teachers and pupils have been very complimentary about one of the activities we offer. In the “Settler to Sea King” game the pupils form groups on an island. They gradually explore the area and find resources to build their settlement. As they build the settlement they gain different ships, and eventually one island will be the first to aquire a dragonship and call themselves Jarls.

The game is based on archaological studies of the Nordrøy/Shetland/Orkney and has a trading game which links to it.

Looking for Vikings to visit your educational establishment? If you have the silver we will travel!


School Visiting!

It’s that time of year when we get requests to visit Schools again!

We offer tailor made visits to each school. we usually visit for a full day and use a combination of clothing, crafts, games, and objects to hold to involve the pupils in a story. They get to spend a day with one of the people who has contributed to the Scotland we live in today.

For large schools we bring a team, but our visitors are used to working with small schools where there is sometimes only one class in the whole school. Our activities are flexible and can be accessed at various levels by the pupils and teachers.

As a community interest company we use any surplus from visiting large schools to subsidise visiting smaller and remote schools. We also try to pay our visitors a real living wage! Contributions from volunteer visitors allow us to enhance the experience for pupils.

Someone of the status of Cathbad (in these pictures) would usually have servants to do the heavy lifting and ensure his comfort while travelling. However turbulent times sometimes call for unusual journeys to seek refuge carrying the things you think important!


Beattock Primary

Cathbad visited Beattock Primary School recently. Here is their post on facebook which gives you an insight into how we navigate our way through history.

Events News schools storytelling

Autumn travels

In Dumfries and Galloway there are two weeks of school holidays in October. Traditionally this was to free up young people to help howk the tatties from the fields. For Cluaran it meant that we could run a story and crafts session for kids on hokiday at Annan museum. It also meant that we could be joined by Kate for a school visit in Oban, taking time off from being a teacher to volunteer at a school! Perhaps it continues the time of from work to work of the Holidays.

A medieval cross in the celtic style, near Oban
Researching Clan MacDougal at Kilbride

Then it was off even further north to tell stories of St Columba on the shores of Loch Ness with History Matters. Cathbad joined a collection of historical characters in the orchard of castle Urqhuart. We helped visitors catch a glimpse of the past in a stunning setting.

Cathbad standing under a picture of Columba
Fabulis vivere per vera veritate

Perhaps one year we will bring the boat! But until then we will continue to give people the opportunity to find a fragment of the past and hear the story that goes with it.

Hopefully this will act as an appetiser, and they will seek to find a place at the table where the feast is in full swing.

Each fragment holds a story

Ancient Bands

Well, the design of these armbands isn’t quite as old as antiquity, but they are an example of local heritage that is older than the names of some of the hills.

We will be making them with young people as part of the Whithorn Trust activities. This gives them a hands on encounter with history, craft skills, and something they can wear and be proud of.

We will also give the opportunity to play with pattern welding techniques using plasticine.


More Schools

Did I mention that it is school visiting season? The requests for Viking visits have been flooding in this year.

Every visit is different, because every class approaches the topic in a different way. Hopefully we help them learn about the people who contributed to the Scotland we live in today.


Kirkbean School


Bannocks, Boxes and Bags

Bannocks are baking and the boxes are packed! Must be the season for school visits.

Soon settlers will become seakings, and the viking era will be thoroughly explored. Stories from around the Irish sea region given will be given a fresh airing.

It all looks so tidy now! Will that survive contact with the classroom!


School Visiting

A Quick overview

Cluaran describes itself as giving access to “Living, Breathing Heritage”. One of the most rewarding ways to see this happen is visiting primary schools to help the pupils meet someone who has contributed to the Scotland they recognise now.

We use a combination of storytelling, handling of replica artefacts, games and craft activities. Each visit is a unique experience. Sometimes we visit at the start of a topic to inspire the pupils, on another visit we will arrive after they have been learning and get to see them recognise, and hold, things they have only read about in books.

So at the end of the year we are going to post some reviews of schools visits. If you would like to get involved in this sort of activity please get in touch!

2003 to 2023 Newspaper articles about school visits by Cathbad.

Games and activities from a visit to The Royal High School in Edinburgh, 2023

We take the boat each year to Cargilfield in Edinburgh for their Viking day.

Long before we had our own boat, or even thought of the name cluaran, the current WSC directors caught the ferry from Aberdeen to visit schools in the Shetland Island with Ulfric and Aasa. We even took a bed to make each day and turn a school hall into a home.

What would you like to see more of, leave a comment or get in touch!