

Arts Installations Events Nithraid 2023

Cluaran Boat Session


Thank you to everyone who came along to get the boat on the water on the 13th of July. This goes for the shore crew as well as those who braved the watery depths… well shallows… of the Nith.

We were successful in launching and rowing the boat. The shore crew caught some of it on camera – and we even have a film of it made by David Slater (DRS Video Clips)

Launching and recovery on the 13th of July 2023

The next boat evening we have scheduled is for Thursday the 24th of August. 1900 to 2100 again, rendezvous at the Wordsmith Crafts Workshop (3 James Avenue, Dumfries).

More details will be posted closer to the time.

If you want to think about the sorts of characters who might, could have or perhaps will inhabit the Nith, then have a go at filling in this form:

You can also become a member of Cluaran by signing up to the newsletter lists of your choice (or volunteering to help manage the project!).

Please keep in touch!

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Events Nithraid 2023

Extra Boat Evening

Rowing on the River Nith, 13th of July

The tides are reported to be favourable, and we have checked that the slipway near the white sands can be used. If you are interested in the Cluaran boat and would like the opportunity to row this is your opportunity!

Meet at the Wordsmith Crafts Workshop by 7pm. If you want to go on the water you will need to become a member of “Cluaran” so that we can keep track of the paperwork.

For more Wordsmith Crafts events – check out the calendar page

Events storytelling

Tales at the Tap

Thursday the 20th of July

Turn up at 6 for some chat and we get going by 6.30.

You will be able to sit back in the comfy sofa and simply listen, or get involved in some chat about the tales. Thanks to Kate we have music at the evening. There are excellent ales from around the world on tap too.

The Stories we use are the ancient legends and myths that share names with hills and geography of the landscape we live in. Some of the stories are local, and some have travelled from the other side of the globe.

Do you have a favourite story? Get in touch.

Have a look behind the scenes here.


Invite your friends!

Arts Installations Events Nithraid 2023

Nithraid 2023

Cluaran will be taking part in Nithraid 2023. Rather than racing though, they will be rowing around the town and time.

How can you row around town?

Most people think about the river Nith as a scenic backdrop. For much of time however it has been used actively.

Dumfries is built round a river and beside a river crossing. The Burgh of Dumfries is blended with the Burgh of Maxwelltown now, but for centuries they shared the river crossing and boundary which brought merchants and pilgrims to both of them when they needed to cross the river.

The river has always been an asset and a challenge! Its location means that you can paddle on from your doorstep, but also that some houses are at risk from flooding. When there was a cattle market by the river that flooding would perhaps have been a welcome clean up.

Dock park is a harbour where trading ships used to dock. In a time before railways, water travel was a very attractive way to move goods around Scotland – and the rest of the world. Having a harbour in your town centre was definitely an advantage.

Time and technology changes though, some of it is very welcome. Plumbing and washing machines have changed the way the sands have been used for the better. We will therefore be rowing around the upper reaches of the Nith and interacting with the public, telling stories from the past, present, and future. Thinking about how we can relate to the river.

Planning starts this evening at 7ish in the Wordsmith Crafts Workshop

Events Nithraid 2023 Workshops

Cluaran Boat Session

Thursday the 29th of June

7-9 pm (ish)

This is the ‘launch’ of our boat project leading up to participation in Nithraid 2023. Due to the skippers ambiguous relationship with time, we will be based around mill green interacting with the public rather than racing.

Please gather at:

Wordsmith Crafts Workshop

3 James Avenue, Dumfries DG2 9AU.

Please park in the yard rather than the street.

7-9 pm

We will have a boat maintenance session, in preparation for going for a row at the next boat gathering. If there are enough able bodied people we will turn the boat and replace the metal strip that runs along her keel. There will also be plenty of opportunity to discuss traditional boats, try the crafts needed to operate them, and generally get ready for going on the water.

As usual, you could also bring your own project, or find inspiration from the many ideas help in the workshop. You could also use the time to read. We have been collecting books (many are about boats), and guides on a wide variety of heritage crafts, or again bring along one you have wanted to get around to reading.

Cluaran craft club runs most Thursdays outside of Dumfries and Galloway School Holidays. Chip in £5 a time for workshop overheads, or become a Cluaran member. Materials are available on a pay by project basis. If you are short of cash, but have time, we can work something out. If you’d like to become a Cluaran member and help this project develop – get in touch too!


Tales at the Tap

Thursday the 15th of June

Following the success of our evening in May, there will be another Tales at the Tap session. In May Simon was accompanied by Kate on guitar – but no promises she will play for everyone every week!

Turn up at 6 for some chat and we get going by 6.30.

You will be able to sit back in the comfy sofa and simply listen, or get involved in some chat about the tales. There are excellent ales from around the world on tap too.

We have had a request for some stories featuring Bobd Derg. He is in the background of a few. Have you heard of the children of Lir? Or perhaps the dream of Aengus. They are not exactly love stories, but feature some powerful passions.

Do you have a favourite story?

Invite your friends!


Cluaran Craft Session

1st of June 2023

This Thursday evening is a general drop in crafts session.

3 James Avenue, Dumfries DG2 9AU.

Please park in the yard rather than the street.

7-9 pm

Bring your own project, or find inspiration from the many ideas help in the workshop.

You could also use the time to read. We have been collecting books, and guides on a wide variety of heritage crafts, or again bring along one you have wanted to get around to reading.

Chip in £5 for workshop overheads. Materials are available on a pay by project basis. If you are short of cash, but have time, we can work something out. If you’d like to become a Cluaran member and help this project develop – get in touch too!

On Thursday the 8th of June we will have a boat maintenance session, in preparation for going for a row.


Tales at the Tap

The Ancient Art of Storytelling

Considering the venue, a telling of the mead of poetry is probably a good start.

There is another good tale about Thor fetching a cauldron from Hymr for a feast in Aegirs hall.

What went on in that hall is a tale for another time though…

Do you have a favourite story?

Invite your friends!


Trichinopoly Workshop

Learn the art of “Viking Knitting”

Fancy making one?

Thu 27Apr 2023 7:30 to 9:30 PM

Wordsmithcrafts Studio, Dumfries, DG2 9AU

Click here to buy tickets
Sell tickets online with Ticket Tailor

This is a booked Cluaran Craft club workshop with limited spaces, so that participants are sure to go away having made something.

It’s not knitting and it’s not specifically Viking era either, but that is what it gets called and you can use it to turn scraps of wire into bling!

You could use the time to make a bracelet from silver plated and copper wire to take away with you. You could also use the time to deepen your knowledge and skill in the art.

All basic materials and tools to make a bracelet are provided. Solid Silver will be available at an extra cost if you’d like a longer project to take away with you. (You could finish it off at a cluaran craft club evening)

If you have any questions please get in touch – or book a ticket using the link!

Want to level up – and work in silver? (extra material cost for the silver)

Click here to buy tickets
Sell tickets online with Ticket Tailor