Events storytelling

More Tales

… and a trip

As well as telling stories in the pub, floating a boat on the time-streams and making things with wind, fire, water and earth Cluaran also is the vessel we use to give school pupils hands on experiences of history.

Equipment for a large school visit
With more interpreters we can bring larger pieces of equipment and give larger groups of pupils a small group experience.

This Thursday (the 16th of November) we will load up the boat to head to “Tales from the Tap” – hopefully avoiding any flooding. Once the tales are told Cathbad and Toma the Vikings will be driving north and east to Dunedin. Friday will be spent in the 10th century with Cargilfield School in Edinburgh.

All these activities mesh together and with Quartz. Making heritage accessible hands on – even the aspects of heritage you need to practice #SensingSpirituality to become aware of.

If you are interested in working in schools bringing history to life please get in touch. Sometimes we use costumes and characters, sometimes science and crafts. There is training, formal volunteering opportunities, and even the chance to develop it into a paying job.

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