Merry Christmas

Cluaran describes itself as giving access to “Living, Breathing Heritage”. One of the most rewarding ways to see this happen is visiting primary schools to help the pupils meet someone who has contributed to the Scotland they recognise now.
We use a combination of storytelling, handling of replica artefacts, games and craft activities. Each visit is a unique experience. Sometimes we visit at the start of a topic to inspire the pupils, on another visit we will arrive after they have been learning and get to see them recognise, and hold, things they have only read about in books.
So at the end of the year we are going to post some reviews of schools visits. If you would like to get involved in this sort of activity please get in touch!
2003 to 2023 Newspaper articles about school visits by Cathbad.
Games and activities from a visit to The Royal High School in Edinburgh, 2023
We take the boat each year to Cargilfield in Edinburgh for their Viking day.
Long before we had our own boat, or even thought of the name cluaran, the current WSC directors caught the ferry from Aberdeen to visit schools in the Shetland Island with Ulfric and Aasa. We even took a bed to make each day and turn a school hall into a home.
What would you like to see more of, leave a comment or get in touch!